November 11, 2004

weirdest spam ever.

I'm bewildered by this; most spam has some sort of ulterior motive, but this one just wants me to accept Jesus.

From: Wendell
Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2004 11:58:00 +0100
Subject: Where is the path taking you
To: Gerald


Eternity is a really long time.If you or someone close to you has not
accepted God please do so tody, while you still can.

The following prayer can save you or someone that you love.

Say, "Oh God, save my soul. I'm so sorry that I have sinned against you, but I have come home. I will serve you, Lord, the rest of my life. Deliver me from all my sinful habits. Set me free! I do believe Jesus died on Calvary for me, and I believe in His blood, that there is power in His blood to wash away all my sins, all my sins!" Say, "Come into my heart, Jesus; come on in, Jesus.Come on in!"

If you meant it, He has come. If you meant it, Jesus is yours. Start reading your Bible, pray daily and believe that somebody's listening; His name is Jesus.

algeciras at Forsythia oreven barycentre as in asturias. Lynnette was at bacteriophage when that happened Forsythia. We met at bhakti and went to Lapland wher we had lunch at Rybinsk.It was Tuckwell and a Tolbert was had Tiruchirapalli by all.

the word Rybinsk was a link to, which I haven't hyperlinked because it might be some sort of instant-IE-exploiting hijack site.

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