stopping to digest
I've given most of yesterday's binge a listen-through, and I've divided them into rough categories, all of which are fairly self-explanatory.
[Updated: Monday, May 10] listened to the other stuff, added a new category:
- Fuck, Why Wasn't I Listening to This When It Came Out?
Pavement - Terror Twilight
Pavement - Slanted and Enchanted
Love at First Listen:
The Walkmen - Bows and Arrows
Death Cab for Cutie - Transatlanticism
The Shins - Chutes Too Narrow
Metric - Old World Underground, Where Are You Now?
Ted Leo and the Pharmacists - Hearts of Oak
British Sea Power - The Decline of British Sea Power
Modest Mouse - The Moon and Antarctica (not the rerelease)
Les Savy Fav - Inches
Will Probably Grow On Me:
The Walkmen - Everyone Who Pretended to Like Me is Gone
Modest Mouse - Good News For People Who Love Bad News
The Wrens - Meadowland
Probably Won't Grow On Me:
Muse - Absolution
Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Crematorium
Buck 65 - Talkin' Honky Blues
Erlend Oye - DJ Kicks (one amusing track, though)