May 07, 2004

five in heavy rotation

repeat on your own blog.
or not.

5 songs you find yourself listening to a lot of, lately. I suppose the "all one's music + random play, then write down which ones come up" meme involves a larger sample, and thus is more reflective of your musical tastes as a whole, but I like this because it provides a little insight into whatever's happening with you right now.
Or maybe that's just me.

1. The Decemberists - Grace Cathedral Hill
2. Young and Sexy - Life Through One Speaker
3. Interpol - Obstacle 1 (Arthur Baker Mix)
4. Squarepusher - Tetra-Sync
5. Matt Good - Bright End of Nowhere

what is this saying about me?
I tend to put on the Squarepusher (or any d'n'b, really) when I'm trying to get things done, and the rest of the stuff is pretty mopey.
thus, my life is currently 80% mope and 20% bouts of frenzied work (or, rather, trying to find work.)

...on second thought, the Obstacle 1 remix is pretty good for rocking out to, so make that 70% mope, 20% work, and 10% rocking out.

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