nerd update:
sold the iPod. got $360 for it, which went into buying this. 60 gigs, black, ETA: November 1.
combined with this amp and these canalphones, I'll finally have the portable setup I've wanted for ages.
sold the iPod. got $360 for it, which went into buying this. 60 gigs, black, ETA: November 1.
combined with this amp and these canalphones, I'll finally have the portable setup I've wanted for ages.
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fuck gerald... now i know why you've had 3 jobs all this time. so you could afford this moment.
I did pay less than half of MSRP on the canalphones, so it's not thaaat bad.
Why are canalphones so expensive? What makes them so different from buds ?
You have failed to respond to my name being placed in the comments of your recent post in which you request such an action. I can only assume this means you wish to terminate our friendship. I will begin the process of turning the entire gay community against you. Be prepared to go long periods without a decent haircut or a ride on the bus (oh that's right, they're all gay too).
while i can surely appreciate the 60gig IPod... and while I can also appreciate a really good set of headphones...
putting those two things together is like putting peanutbutter and cheese on a sandwich and calling it love.
the advantage to an ipod is that you can carry around an entire music collection... in return, you recognize that you have to compress the audio...
i suppose you could rip it all at 320kbps.. but then youd be sacrificing about half the # of songs you could fit it on the thing at a more economical 160kbps.. and even at 320, the parts that you lose are the subtleties your ears pick up with really really good headphones. not to mention that ipods have shitty sound, even when it comes to comparing mp3 players.
there's a reason things like the itrip are a good idea... the sound is already shitty, so sending it through a radio signal is no big deal.
you're compressing digital (which is already worse than an LP) further... no matter how you amplify it after, its not going to go above a certain standard.
as a selfprofessed audio snob, id figure youd know this.
the ipod is still hot as hell... my point was that the headphones are a waste of money.
Dave: the big difference is that canalphones fit like earplugs; which means they block out more sound, so you turn the volume lower, protecting your hearing. Like other headphones/earbuds, they can be found cheaper - I'm just pulling out all the stops.
Quinn: Apple Lossless Audio Codec fixes that whole line of concern.
300 dollars for headphones (of any sort), even half that price, seems like a bit of a ridiculous expenditure.
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