September 02, 2003

12:35am, August 31

ears still ringing.
face hurts from continual silly grin.
feet hurt more, from 6 hours in parking + more jumping up and down.

show was amazing
from opening (2+2=5) to closing (EEIRP), I was enthralled, jumping, bouncing, hovering, moving, swaying with slow songs and pausing for the odd sip of water, and flat out having a bitchin' time.

(during 2+2=5)
[GERALD turns around, sees GRAHAM and VANESSA]
[VANESSA grins]
GRAHAM: you're hovering [grins like small child at Christmas]
(beat drops)

3 encores, 7 songs.
Wolf at the Door with keyboards!!
Ed rocking out, and air-drumming!!
Michael Stipe coming out for Karma Police!!
Ricer-shaming bass on The Gloaming
I... wow.

now, to track down a bootleg...

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